Today in class we talked about successive approximation and other topologies of ADCs....and I liked it. When we did an example problem using the TI MSP430 I think I was the only one who already knew what that meant. What's wrong with me?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I split my build into multiple files for the first time ever. FML.
I might have just let my ego get the better of me in an eBay bidding war:
The money I dropped to win a STIG helmet will follow me to the grave. But now that I think of it, this is the most MechE thing I have bought in a while. So while the price was so wrong, it feels so right.
As a mechE, I am dedicating this blog to all those misguided engineers out there who need somewhere to confess that they're closeted EEs. This is a safe place to confess your darkest electronics endeavors.
Sample post:
Today I went to Radioshack and spent $20 on op-amps, capacitors, and resistors to make an amplifier and filter circuit for a frequency-sensitive strobe light. Man, I'm such an EE.